Social Media Strategies to boost your Restaurant Marketing
The restaurant industry has seen a change in recent decades with the introduction of more advanced, social technology. Restaurant marketing in particular, has transitioned from traditional print advertising to online engagement and social media content. Restaurants that have an effective social media strategy can gain significant advantages in promoting their online presence. This makes it important to have good social media marketing practices. Here are several tips that can help you achieve this.
Take a Visual Approach
Our agency took this photo at our client’s bar Founding Fathers in Philadelphia. It gets used for social media, website, press and social influencers.
Without visual content that is both appealing and engaging, your social media strategy may already be at a disadvantage against competitors. Having a visual touch to your content simply improves your chances of building genuine interest from your core customers. You can include images of your team, your food (check out our Instagram), business mascot, customer stories, and more. Many users on social media sites are more responsive to fun, engaging photos or videos.
Make an Immediate Impression
Your social media pages look more alive and create a more direct impression when they are actively managed. An outdated Facebook page that has not had a post in months is simply a bad presentation to customers. You can time your posts be using the schedule feature on Meta business manager for special days such as an anniversary of your establishment, or a holiday specific to the food that your restaurant serves. Also, if you are offering coupon codes or promotions, make sure they are removed from your social media pages once they expire.
Communicate with Customers
Our client Gran Caffe L’Aquila is featured on FOX 29 in Philadelphia. We always add our client’s press to their Youtube pages.
Social media provides a platform for customers to engage with you and also talk about your foods and service. Stay attuned to what customers are saying about you and have a system of monitoring online websites for conversations that mention your restaurant name. Not only is this one way of gauging how your restaurant is received by your customer demographic, but it also gives you a chance to respond to them.
Post on a Consistent Schedule
When you are planning your posting rate, avoid being too conservative. You can follow a schedule that allows your audience to see and interpret your posts without being too overwhelmed by them. You do not want to have customers bombarded by a new post when they have not had the chance to see the previous one. The most ideal rate of exposure and engagement is to post 2-3 times per day, 4-5 times per week on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram but keep in mind that this is content driven. If you’re posting the same pizza 2-3 times a day you’re going to have low engagement. If you’re posting the staff making a supreme pizza, the delivery driver dropping at someones house or a special football shaped pizza then you’re going to get more engagement.
Diversify Your Content
You may have a graphic or video that you want to share across all of your social media channels. However, some content works for certain platforms better than others. Posting a long video may be more effective on Youtube instead of Instagram. Some posts or content are also easier to share on Twitter. Selecting and optimizing your channels can help you be more efficient in distributing your content.
In managing a restaurant business, your success is influenced by how well you optimize your social media marketing efforts. There are various tools and mediums available for marketers to use, but it is important to understand how to use them effectively. Recognizing your audience, strategically timing your content distribution, and selecting the right channels to use can contribute to a successful social media campaign. Consider these tips to improve your social media marketing efforts and establish a blueprint for long-term success.
If you’re interested in handing off your social media to tried and true professionals contact us for a quote. Our team has worked with hundreds of restaurants on their social media marketing strategy in all capacities. We can fully manage or we can train an individual on your team. Social is a bear, it’s good to have help! Contact us today and let’s get that free quite rollin.